14 May 2011

A Day Being an Elf's: Think Nice

A Day Being an Elf's: Think Nice

A Day Being an Elf's: Think Nice

A Day Being an Elf's: Think Nice

Think Nice

Aq nak start buat Blog in English ni,hoping akan jadik cam Abg Shaffiq,our most best 'jurulatih'....hehe
Skipping terlebih plak...haha..Wish me luck...Ni first try...

Today,im feelin quite better....
hoping things gonna be ok and hoping that all my members of marching group in good mood
I proud of us knowing that we've done our best in this march...
It have been so important that we've been wasting our tears,sweats and tiredness for this big competition...
But,as we know things gonna work as His plan
and we should went with the flow....
Huh,actually this was gonna be hard for me...
Things have been so messed up since then....
Haha...for the first time i join this march group,
i was being force by Naili Rifa'ie Binti Barom...and i entered with so desperately...
It's like helping a friend....
But starting then,knowing Abg Shaffiq Malek,Abg Amin Saedon and Abg Azmir....
Make my life full of happiness and pain....haha...happy pain......
The trio have make us forget in our tiredness at school,being scold by teacher...and problems in hostel...
Thanks so much 4 making us happier than ever...
Then,im just gonna say that...wish us luck in everything we do cause we're do the same ....
We're wishingt hat the trio would have done their best in everything....
And knowing that all the girls in Marching group would always love them as a good brother.....haha

With full of hope and happiness
   ~Peah got new mood~

02 May 2011

Salah Sendiri..

Memang salah aku pon...
Asik salah aku jerk...
Da macam pe da...tak abes2 wat salah...
Untuk buddy aku,aku mmg mcm ni..
Aq budak bodoh yg bpikir org len akn tgglkn aq....
But,buddy sorry to say,
Ya,actually aq mmg tkot ble ko mragam...meaning{ngarok x tntu pasal}
but remember when ko ngarok about the penguin sticker,aku rse hepi
Skurg2 nyer,someone was there to appreciate pmbrian aku...
Taw x,aku un bhrap ko pun akn sdar kwujudan aq sblum ni....
At class,aku x dberi phatian just like u...
And dgn cara tu,mampu ke budk bodoh cm aku ni pndg ko dgn
pndgn yg mgugmkan ble everyone bri phtian hnya pada kau...
Dan,ye,akhirnya kau tahu mcm mana feelings aq ble org x bri phtian pd kau..
Tapi,itu x bmkna aq da lupkan khdiran kau...
Kau jgn brani nk pk cm uh..
Every night,aq asik pk sal kau jerk...hoping kau akan ok....taw!!
But,aq da knal kau even blum smuanya tntg kau...
Kau akn pk len psal bnda ni...
Remember,kita x kn kwan nan org cm ue..
x kan skali2 lukakn aty kte lagy...
So buddy,egt cerita LEMON,APPLE nan ORANGEn KIWI ?
Kiwi x harap Orange akn wat pape tok dy but only Believe in her...
And aq cme harap kau akn pcye pd aku..That's only...
Thank you....